Humanities and Arts Curriculum Intent
The aim of the Humanities and Arts Department is to encourage the students to become the best they can be by inspiring curiosity and wonder of the dynamic world we live in and our place within it.
Students are encouraged to develop an empathy with, and understanding of, people and places from the past, the present and the future both in this country and the wider world. Students develop their creativity allowing them to express themselves fully, communicating their ideas through a range of mediums.
Students become informed, critical citizens who are able to analyse/question the wealth of information available to them in the modern world. Students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted so they become thoughtful, active citizens who have an understanding of different communities and faiths. Students learn to recognise bias, evaluate arguments and look for alternative interpretations and sources of evidence to reach informed conclusions and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they face now and in the future.
By the end of key stage 3
- Students will have the knowledge and skill set to garner meaning from the world around them.
- Students will understand where they come from, who they are, and what they and others believe so that they can live as successful members of society.
- Students will gain a broad and rich knowledge and understanding of the curriculum.
- Students will be able to communicate their ideas confidently.
By the end of key stage 4
- Students will be open to new ideas, able to evaluate new information and become critical thinkers.
- Students will study the content defined by the exam specification, in order that they should achieve their best.
- Students will develop a range of knowledge and skills that will provide a foundation for future study and a preparation for employment or higher education.