Student Leadership
Leadership is a quality that all students at Heathlands School are encouraged and supported to develop.
Student leadership roles challenge individuals to develop a sense of vision and purpose as they take on responsibilities and use decision making skills in order to lead a project or an activity across the school. Embedded in our Student Leadership programme are formalised student leadership roles of senior students and peer mentors which pupils can apply for. All student leaders receive six one-hour leadership training during the school year, usually one hour training per term with additional guidance and support as needed.
Senior students are usually from KS4, they are expected to lead and be active participants in a focus group of their choice. Senior students use the feedback from their focus groups to implement a variety of activities. Examples of this are setting up a school equipment shop, organising well-being week activities and achieving the eco schools award.
In recognition of their leadership role in school, student leaders wear a slightly different coloured school tie.
Five focus groups are set up to engage students in different aspects of school life. These are led by senior students supported by a teacher. The following areas are focused on:
- Student Council
- Health and well-being
- Learning culture
- Sport