Media Projects
“The use and understanding of information and communication technology stands out as an exceptional feature across the school. For example, in 2017, pupils won two national and one international film awards for their short film about British Sign Language (BSL). The video was made in 2016 by pupils from Year 6 to Year 8” OFSTED 2017
Photo Gallery
This section of the website has some examples of recent media projects. Children learn to use ipads, laptops and apple macs with a variety of software applications to create and edit their media projects. All projects serve a variety of objectives whilst developing knowledge of a wide range of technology. For example:
- projects develop the children’s literacy skills through recording grammar or spelling rules visually
- online safety is discussed through dramatizations, filmed by the students
- well-known poems are animated using apps
- individuals learn to film, edit and subtitle their work within subject-specific projects
- children present ideas from cross-curricular subjects whilst developing drama skills
- role plays are videoed in speech and language therapy sessions and reviewed to practise and improve communication skills
“Pupils in years 2 and 3 made a film about why BBC Newsround should have subtitles. This proved a highly effective and creative way to teach pupils the skills of persuasive argument, part of the requirements of the national curriculum for English.”
Ofsted, 2017
The ‘Great Deaf Chemical Kitchen Ambassadors’ project took place over four school days and involved the Upper School students learning about the principles of kitchen chemical sciences. We received funds from the Royal Society of Chemistry to enable us to work with Dr Audrey Cameron, who is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and can be found on their website (175 faces in chemistry: celebrating diversity). We wanted our students to experience the excitement and value of chemistry, and to understand that the chemical sciences are relevant to their everyday lives. There were lots of WOW experiments that had a strong link to chemical sciences and this project helped our students to build their presentation, engagement and team working skills.
This is a trailer for Upper School’s current film in the making –the premiere screening will be coming soon, March 2019!
This project encompasses their creative Arts Award qualification, a new initiative this year to promote creative and critical thinking whilst learning new film-making skills. This includes Masterclasses from deaf film professionals who the students have researched as their inspiration.