Religious Studies
Curriculum Intent
Students have one hour a week for Religious Studies and follow the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus in KS3 which has been adapted to suit the needs of different groups and, in KS4, students either study GCSE modules or complete units from WJEC Entry Pathways .
The curriculum aims to prepare students for life in modern Britain and promote respect and tolerance for others. It builds and develops understanding and appreciation of different beliefs, practices and religions, and how these relate to the modern world.
In lessons, students are supported to develop the ability to express and discuss their views and appreciate the views of others. They are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences and explore those from a range of religions.
The curriculum approaches questions of morality and ethics, considering reality, knowledge and existence and enables the opportunity to investigate the ways in which different people practise their beliefs and the impact this can have. There are considered questions surrounding meaning and purpose, helping students to make sense of their lives.
KS3 Religious Education
Students study Religious Education for one hour each week. The school follows the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education which develops knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religions, religious traditions and world views.
Religious Education has an important role to play in preparing students for adult life. It encourages students to develop their sense of identity and belonging. It also enables them to develop respect for and sensitivity to others, in particular those whose faiths, beliefs and world views are different from their own.
Students will learn through discussion and research, investigating a range of issues linked to right and wrong and what it means to be human.