Activities and Outcomes
Pupil outcomes, as identified by Ofsted include social development, personal development, health, behaviour, happiness and enjoyment, contribution to the residential experience and transition.
These outcomes underpin our everyday practice in the residential department. Progress is monitored continuously, recorded in pupil files and forms an integral part of the SEN annual review process. Reports are made to the governing body each term.
Residential staff help support and promote children and young people’s attainment of these outcomes by:
Social Development
Encouraging involvement in the local community by joining clubs and taking part in activity evenings, social evenings with other residential schools and integration evenings with a number of BSL classes.
Personal Development
Each child or young person has an Independence Check List which sets out their individual targets. These are designed to enable our pupils to develop personal, health and social skills which enable them to be independent and confident young people.
Healthy eating and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle are prioritised. This includes taking part in sports, using local sporting activity centres and using local parks / outdoor gym facilities.
The children and young people are taught to accept differences and respect one another. Behaviour management is in line with whole school policies and focuses on managing behaviour in a positive and supportive manner.
Happiness and Enjoyment
Constructive leisure pursuits are encouraged through access and art and craft room, computer suite, large hall, and residents’ kitchen. Children choose activities and taking part in them and making their own decisions that affect their lives in Heath House.
Contribution to the Residential Experience
We encourage an ethos or ‘rights and responsibilities’ within Heath House. While fully supporting children’s rights we actively encourage responsibility towards themselves and others. Residents discuss all aspects of Heath House life in weekly meetings
Through the Independence Check Lists and Individual Care Plans children and young people are prepared for the move to higher or further education and adult life.