Heathlands recognises and affirms the right of every child to live and learn in a safe and secure environment and is committed to implementing strategies to prevent and respond to bullying.
The Anti-bullying Alliance defines bullying as the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online. Tackling bullying at Heathlands takes a wide ranging whole school approach. This involves three main strands:
- Education, ethos and awareness.
- Thorough investigation of any reported concerns.
- Action and support for both perpetrators and victims.
Student leader Peer Champions carry out peer led work in mentoring, peer listening and acting as Anti-bullying Champions.
The anti-bullying policy is summarised in pupil-friendly language in the anti-bullying charter which is displayed around the school.
Further information for parents can be found at the Anti-Bullying Alliance website:
If you have any concerns about bullying please contact your child’s class teacher or form tutor in the first instance.