Independent Living
One of the most important aims of Heath House is to promote independence in our young people. We want them to develop appropriate skills to prepare them for adulthood.
Independence in Heath House involves balancing ‘rights’ with ‘responsibilities’. The children have a right to particular things but a responsibility to use or treat them responsibly.
Heath House operates an Independent Living Programme. The programme covers key areas of
- routine personal care skills
- managing day to day domestic tasks e.g. meal times and laundry
- taking responsibility for their individual health needs
- staying safe and managing risks
- caring for their belongings and the environment
- independent travel and going out in the local community
- solving problems and seeking help
All children have ‘independence targets’ which are appropriate to their age and ability. These targets are outlined in individual Heath House Independence Check Lists where progress is monitored and updated termly.
We also encourage independence by giving the young people a sense of ownership of Heath House. They have weekly meetings where they are able to be fully involved in all areas of the decision making process, from choosing activities to making decisions regarding decoration of bedrooms and colour schemes of furniture.