Curriculum Learning Pathways
Heathlands Upper School is a strong and vibrant department catering for Years 7-11. A broad and balanced curriculum Expectations are high for each pupil to achieve their potential. Pupils are grouped according to ability and the curriculum,
Our prime objective is to enable each student to achieve their maximum potential through a stimulating and challenging curriculum.
We have developed three possible learning pathways to suit differing needs and abilities.
One route allows students to study GCSE courses in at least 8 subjects (most will be expected to achieve grades between 9 and 4).
A second route enables students to study some GCSE subjects and some functional skills courses. Through links with local colleges some may follow nationally accredited vocational courses.
A third learning route to develop independent living and life skills will operate if there are students for whom this is appropriate
Each learning pathway ensures that:
- development of literacy skills takes place across the curriculum and this is recognised as essential in order to facilitate success
- all pupils have access to their preferred learning style and mode of communication
- students are grouped according to needs so pupils of all abilities can achieve success
- pupils are given professional guidance about choice of subjects to be studied at KS 4.