Key Stage 4
Key stage 4 students follow a broad and balanced curriculum. All students will study English, Maths and Science plus optional examination subjects from each of the entitlement areas of Humanities, Arts and Technology. Course programmes are reviewed each year to ensure they appropriately match the needs of each cohort.
There are a range of certificated courses available for each subject. (e.g. GCSE, Entry Level Certificate, BTEC, Functional Skills, ASDAN). Click on the subject links to see details of courses currently provided. A wider range of optional courses is presented to students annually from which they make their choices.
In addition to examination subjects the KS4 curriculum includes:
- A programme of careers Education and Guidance including independent careers guidance with an Herts Connexions LDD Personal Advisor.
- A variety of activities in relation to preparation for adulthood including work experience
- Physical Education
- Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
Mr Jason Hazrati is the Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for Upper School.
He is responsible for the organisation and monitoring of teaching and learning within the KS4 curriculum.