Upper School Curriculum Intent
The strategic intent of curriculum provision is to foster the educational development for students at Heathlands to the highest level of attainment possible and to ensure and enable access to the same National Curriculum as their mainstream peers.
Intake at Heathlands will vary year-on-year with year groups at vastly different starting points and also significant variation in term individual language development. There is intent to ensure language is central to all areas of the curriculum and continuously developed in all subject areas. A child-centred curriculum, tailored to meet the needs of each student is central in curriculum planning. The curriculum can frequently require significant adaptation from one year to the next. Notwithstanding the range of individual presenting needs, the unswerving intent is to provide for each student a broad and engaging curriculum covered in appropriate depth to enable each individual to master the key knowledge and skills essential in each subject and maximise their potential to achieve the highest levels of nationally-recognised certification at the end of KS4. There is ongoing intent to provide each student with an appropriate programme to their needs and capability through access to a wide range of pathways. As such, there are three learning pathways, each carefully planned and strategically sequenced to provide a rigorous foundation for future progression for students of varying capability. At KS4 this leads to a higher-level GCSE group, a lower-level GCSE group with some subjects studied at Entry level and for some cohorts a third group who achieve a nationally-recognised certification through WJEC and AQA unit awards.
To find out more about the curriculum on offer, or you have any specific questions relating to your child, please contact Deputy Headteacher, Jason Hazrati, via email (admin@heathlands.herts.sch.uk).
KS3 Intent
To ensure language is continuously and consistently developed across the curriculum.
To ensure broad, ambitious and individually tailored access to the National Curriculum, constantly adapting and evolving to remain challenging, flexible and personalised.
To be aspirational for all learners ensuring that they are on a learning path that is ambitious, age appropriate and delivered at an individualised pace.
To ensure learners SEMH needs are addressed to enable consistent learning.
KS4 Intent
To ensure all students gain nationally recognised qualifications at a level appropriate to their ability.
To ensure all students are following an ambitious and driven curriculum path that meets their individualised needs.
To ensure all learners are prepared for adulthood and ready to take their place as responsible citizens.
To promote and encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning to ensure all learners reach appropriate destinations on leaving KS4.