We are delighted that Heathlands was graded “outstanding” in all categories during its Ofsted inspection of 7-8 February 2023. Please click on the link below to see the full report.
Quotes from 2023 Report:
“Heathlands School continues to be an outstanding school.”
“All pupils thrive in Heathlands School’s inclusive, nurturing climate of high expectations.”
“Pupils are responsive to the expectation that they will work hard, behave well and be kind.”
“Pupils of all ages make great strides in their use of language and vocabulary, as well as in reading and writing, from very different starting points.”
“The curriculum is challenging, and very effectively implemented by skills staff.”
“The high level of staff’s fluency in BSL and the ‘no limits’ culture combine with these other important elements to ensure that pupils achieve exceptionally well.”
“Effective use of books. regular practice and a relentless focus on extending pupils’ vocabulary mean that pupils improve their reading fluency and accuracy quickly.”
“Older pupils gain awards and qualifications, including with some impressive success in GCSE subjects.”
“Staff know their pupils exceptionally well. Planned learning builds on previous content. Key vocabulary is revisted systematically. Teachers’ checks ensure that misconceptions and gaps in pupils’ knowledge are corrected quickly. Consequently, pupils achieve very well from their different starting points.”
“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. The overarching focus on positive behaviours, ‘do’, rather than ‘do not’, ensures that the standard of pupils’ behaviour remains impressive.”
“Pupils are well prepared to take the next steps in education through a well-considered programme of careers education.”
“Ensuring that pupils are safe is a high priority for school leaders and governors.”
Quotes from the 2018 Residential Report:
“Children flourish and make excellent progress as a result of this exceptional school and residential provision.”
“The children make excellent social, emotional and educational progress because of the support and opportunities that they receive.”
“Children clearly come first in both the school and residential provision. This ensures that children are happy and safe.”
“A forward-thinking and dynamic management team listens to and values staff’s opinions and ideas and supports them to develop new ideas that help the children to progress.”
Quotes from the 2017 Report:
“Leaders at all levels are relentless in their pursuit of excellence. They are committed to ensuring that deaf pupils receive the best possible education and care.”
“Leaders are constantly evaluating the quality of education pupils receive. They question and challenge each other to keep improving the school.”
“Teaching is outstanding because all adults who work with pupils know their individual special needs exceptionally well. Teachers and teaching assistants are highly skilled and adapt activities so that pupils achieve extremely well.”
“The well-balanced curriculum is carefully matched to pupils’ needs. Pupils are given every opportunity to shine and develop their skills and understanding through the projects they are involved in.”
“The use and understanding of information and communication technology stands out as an exceptional feature across the school.”
“Teaching is outstanding because children blossom into confident communicators.”
Personal Development and Behaviour
“Pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strength of the school.”
“The exceptional culture of safety in the school makes a strong contribution to pupils’ outstanding personal development and welfare.”
“There is excellent behaviour in all lessons because pupils like and respect the adults who work with them.”
“Children have an outstanding start to their education in the early years.”
“Pupils make outstanding progress from their very varied starting points.”
“All groups of pupils make outstanding progress, including those who have additional special education needs.”
“The most able pupils achieve exceptionally well in their GCSEs.”