British Values in Heath House
Rule of law
- HH WoW procedures
- Clear expectations and guidance on group behaviour.
- Refusal to accept intolerance of others.
- Students encouraged to express how they feel if rules are broken or behaviour is not good.
- Clear sanctions and consequences.
- Appropriate methods of praise for different age / ability groups.
- Encouragement to make a positive contribution to residential on a weekly basis.
- Encouraging empathy to others.
- Incident book
- Student meetings
- Making decisions over meal choices and snacks.
- Budgeting for activities and shopping.
- Making decisions about shared areas.
- Student surveys and questionnaires.
- Explaining and open discussions regarding decisions that are made.
- Encouraging open discussion about group issues.
- Choosing own activities
Tolerance of faith and beliefs
- Acceptance of others
- Current affairs discussed regularly
- Newsround – an awareness of world issues.
- Encouraging respect
- Children’s religious stories available
- Staff respectful of parents’ religious wishes
- Staff support cultural beliefs of CYP
- Food preparation takes religious beliefs in to account
Individuals liberty
- Free walking
- Transition and independence training.
- Quiet homework spaces provided.
- Freedom of choice over activities.
- Opportunities to make decisions and choices.
- Integrated social activities
- Choosing and making own meals.
- Independent listener
Mutual respect
- Staff and students all respectful of Heath House property
- Anti-bullying policies
- Staff and young people talk to each other in respectful manner
- Swearing is not tolerated by staff
- Decisions are explained
- Positive role models
- Respectful handling of animals