Behaviour For Learning
We have an ethos and environment which allows effective learning to take place.
In order to maintain this high standard we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and encouraging their full co-operation and support. We place great emphasis on positive reinforcement of good behaviour through encouragement and praise in order to value, reinforce and reward good or improved behaviour, achievement and effort in learning. Heathlands follows the Hertfordshire Steps Approach to positive behaviour management and all staff receive annual training. Hertfordshire Steps is a therapeutic approach to positive behaviour management which emphasises the importance of consistency and teaching internal, rather than relying on external, discipline. It focuses on care and control, and uses techniques to de-escalate a situation before a crisis occurs.
Our Behaviour for Learning Framework has two strands. Firstly we teach the pupils the skills they need to become effective learners. They develop a respectful and positive attitude whilst also learning to work in teams, be self-motivated and independent. Secondly, pupils are supported to make good choices and become self-disciplined. They are encouraged to accept and recognise responsibility for their own actions and the consequences of their decisions.
We call this approach WOW – Working On Work.
Mrs Sarah Shields, Co-Headteacher, and Miss Naomi Jarrett, Pastoral Care Lead, oversee all aspects of our pastoral care provision.