Middle School Introduction
Miss Sara Head is the Assistant Head Teacher with responsibility for Middles School. She liaises closely with Mr Hazrati regarding curriculum planning and delivery.
Middle School is for pupils in years 6 and 7. They follow the National Curriculum delivered through a Total Communication approach matched to each cohort’s needs thus ensuring pupils are fully engaged in all lessons. Middle School students are taught by experienced Teachers of the Deaf and as well as Upper School subject specialists.
Middle School supports pupils’ transition to an Upper School style of learning, while continuing to have the advantages of strong, class based pastoral support within their form group. The needs of different pupils are addressed through timetabling and match of staffing to needs. Some pupils follow a timetable with subject specialist input for most subjects, but with experienced Primary Teachers as form tutors and for some core subjects. Other pupils have more lessons taught within their form group, allowing for a topic based approach where beneficial to the learning of the cohort.
Middle School subjects include
- Maths
- English
- Science
- Computing
- Topic – (Humanities – Geography and History)
- Spanish (some pupils)
- RE
- Art
- Food Technology
- Design Technology
- PE