Students in middle school follow the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Modern Foreign Languages in Spanish which gives them the opportunity to understand another language and to express ideas, facts and feelings orally and in writing.
It also enables the pupils to access literature in Spanish leading them to understand the culture in Spanish speaking countries. Languages help the students to open their minds and to think differently. They also open a variety of opportunities such as communicating independently while visiting foreign countries and working over-seas as adults.
The National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages aims to ensure the students’ ability to:
-Understand, speak and write Spanish from different sources.
-Communicate for practical purposes with increasing fluency and accuracy.
-Write at increasing lengths with correct grammar and vocabulary.
-Develop reading skills in a foreign language and support the love for reading.
-Acknowledge and respect other cultures.
Some students in middle school do not take this subject in order to have more time to focus on English Speech, Language, communication and literacy development.
Autumn Term: 14 weeks (28 hours)
Greetings and introductions. The alphabet. Where do I live? How old are you? Review | 1 |
Happy birthday! Say when my birthday is | 1 |
Months of the year. Dates. Days of the week | 2 |
In the classroom | 2 |
In my backpack | 2 |
Talking about the classroom | 3 |
What do I study? Talking about the school subjects. | 3 |
What do I do in the classroom? Say what I do in lessons. | 4 |
I like Spanish: giving opinion and reasons | 2 |
Cultural knowledge: Learning facts about the Spanish speaking world | 2 |
Grammar: Possessive pronouns: MI, TU. Question words: ¿Dónde?¿Cuánto? ¿Cuándo?. Verbs review: “llamar” “estudiar” and “necesitar”. The concept of gender. Plural nouns. Indefinite article UN-UNA/UNOS-UNAS. Negative sentences. The definite article EL/LA-LOS/LAS. Question forms. Reading short stories. Using LOS to say “every”. ME/TE gusta (n)+noun. No capital letters on the days of the week. Use of “Y” and “también”. Numbers up to 31. | 6 |
Spring Term: 12 weeks (24 hours)
The teachers: talking about my teachers | 4 |
What do I eat? | 4 |
My family: talking about brothers, sisters, giving their ages. | 4 |
I live in Europe | 4 |
Cultural knowledge: food in Spanish speaking countries. | 4 |
Grammar: Present tense of verbs “gustar”, “comer”, “beber” and the irregular verb “ser”. Adjectival agreement: O/A. Question words: ¿Cómo? ¿Qué? Ask and answer questions. Verb endings AR-ER-IR. Possessive adjectives: mi(s), tu (s), su (s). Numbers up to 50. Making colours agree with nouns. Use of “muy” and “bastante”. Questions without question words. Word order (adjectives after nouns). | 4 |
Summer term: 13 weeks (26 hours)
Talking about my pets | 4 |
Colours | 4 |
Talking about my appearance and character. | 8 |
Cultural Knowledge: Learning geographical facts about Spain. | 4 |
Grammar: Possessive adjectives mi(s), tu (s), su (s). Making colours agree with nouns. Verb “ser” (to be). Understanding Spanish word order. Character adjectives. Use of qualifiers and connectives. Numbers up to 100. | 5 |
Book: El Patito Feo | 1 |